Arts Rich School Award Application - Part 1

  • The Arts Rich School Award application is designed to be completed by applicants who are familiar with their school's arts education programs and have access to school data. To prevent duplicate entries, schools should assign ONE PERSON to complete the application. Please review all information first to make certain you have access to the data that is required to complete the application.
  • Once the application is submitted, a copy of your submission will be emailed to the person completing the application and to the school administrator designated within the application.
  • It is strongly recommended that you complete this application on your computer or laptop and not on your phone.
  • If you would like to save portions of this application as you go along, you will find a save button after each section. In order to complete the application later, it is important that you copy and bookmark the link below in order to be able to come back to your application to finish up. Here is your unique link:


1. School Name:*
2. Contact Person Information (this should be the person who is completing this application):*
a. First Name:
b. Last Name:
c. Daytime Phone:
d. Evening Phone:
e. Email Address:
3. School Information:*
a. Legal school name (please write full name):
b. Legal district name:
c. School street address:
d. School City/Town:
e. School State:
f. School postal ZIP code:
g. School Telephone beginning with area code:
h. Geographic area of state where school is located:
4. School Administrator Contact Information:*
a. Full Name:
b. Title:
c. Administrator's email address:


5. What grade level best describes your program?
a. K-5
b. 6-8
c. 9-12
d. Other (Please Describe):
6. Please provide the total number of students enrolled in each grade your school serves.
a. Kindergarten:
b. First Grade:
c. Second Grade:
d. Third Grade:
e. Fourth Grade:
f. Fifth Grade:
g. Sixth Grade:
h. Seventh Grade:
i. Eighth Grade:
j. Ninth Grade:
k. Tenth Grade:
l. Eleventh Grade:
m. Twelfth Grade:
7. Please provide the total student enrollment of your school:
8. Percentage of students who qualify for Title 1 support (to examine the investments being made in high needs areas or other competing reforms).
a. 0-25%
b. 26-50%
c. 51-75%
d. Over 75%
9. Percentage of students in your school who qualify for free or reduced lunch.
a. 0-25%
b. 26-50%
c. 51-75%
d. Over 75%


For the purpose of the application, a fine arts teacher is defined as a teacher who is fully licensed with available state-recognized endorsements in the areas of Dance, General/Instrumental Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, Vocal/ General Music. Related fields may also include: Media/Digital Arts, Media/Film/Television, Speech Communication.

10. Number of full, part time, or shared arts teachers per arts content who are fully licensed and endorsed in each arts area they teach.
a. Dance
b. General/Instrumental Music
c. Theatre
d. Visual Arts
e. Vocal/General Music
Related Fields
f. Media/Digital Arts
g. Media/Film/Television
h. Speech Communication
11. Number of full, part-time, or shared arts positions filled by teachers who do NOT have licensure or endorsement in the arts in area they teach:
a. Dance
b. General/Instrumental Music
c. Theatre
d. Visual Arts
e. Vocal/General Music
Related Fields
f. Media/Digital Arts
g. Media/Film/Television
h. Speech Communication
12. Number of full time (40 hour work week) arts teachers per subject area who are funded from school-based general fund allocations:
a. Dance
b. General/Instrumental Music
c. Theatre
d. Visual Arts
e. Vocal/General Music
Related Fields
f. Media/Digital Arts
g. Media/Film/Television
h. Speech Communication
13. Number of part time (less than 40 hour work week) or shared arts teachers per subject area who are funded from school-based general fund allocations:
a. Dance
b. General/Instrumental Music
c. Theatre
d. Visual Arts
e. Vocal/General Music
Related Fields
f. Media/Digital Arts
g. Media/Film/Television
h. Speech Communication



Art Rich School Award Application - Part 2


Indicators of Arts Rich Teaching and Learning


14. What arts classes are offered within a school day?
Instrumental Music
Vocal Music
General Music
Visual Art
Media Arts
Arts Integration
15. Of the classes you indicated in question 14, what arts classes are students able to be enrolled in for the entire academic year?
Instrumental Music
Vocal Music
General Music
Visual Art
Media Arts
Arts Integration
16. Of the classes you indicated in question 14, what arts classes are students able to be enrolled in for a time duration other than the entire academic year?
Instrumental Music
Vocal Music
General Music
Visual Art
Media Arts
Arts Integration
17. Enter the percentage that best describe your student enrollment in arts classes over the course of the academic year:
a. % of students are enrolled in one arts class over the course of one academic year
b. % of students are enrolled in two arts classes over the course of one academic year
c. % of students are enrolled in three or more arts classes over the course of one academic year
18. What arts classes are offered beyond school day (e.g. afterschool, summer, etc.)?What arts classes are offered beyond school day (e.g. afterschool, summer, etc.)?
Instrumental Music
Vocal Music
General Music
Visual Art
Media Arts
Arts Integration
19. Please describe the rigor and quality of student work in the arts. This may include but is not limited to achievement at assessment events, competitions such as regional state, national music festivals, speech and drama tournaments, National Merit, art exhibitions, Scholastic, scholarships offered and awarded, poster contest, etc.:

20. Please describe arts performances and exhibitions students in your school have been involved in beyond the school day both within and outside the school campus within the past 12 months.

21. Please describe your school's level of financial support for dedicated arts-related budget needs including facilities, equipment, opportunities for students, arts professional learning opportunities offered within the school for arts and non-arts teachers, and sponsorship of teachers to attend and/or present at professional learning opportunities outside of the school. List any other unique financial support being offered to support arts-related needs.

22. Please describe your school's partnerships with other schools, community, state, or national organizations. This may include but is not limited to field trips, teaching artists, local art agencies.

23. Please describe how the arts are included in your school's policies, strategic plan, publications, and media. This may include but is not limited to official policies, school improvement plan, mission and vision statements, accreditation documents, social media posts, websites, or news stories.

24. Please describe how the arts activities in your school are integral to the life of your school and community.

25. Please describe any special or unusual circumstances within your school and/or fine arts program that this application form does not address. This might include class offerings (IB, AP, special populations, etc.), teacher certification issues, environmental/facility challenges, or anything else you feel needs to be addressed.

26. Please describe why you think your school deserves this award. This can include but is not limited to unique aspects of your school's art programs THAT ARE NOT ALREADY ADDRESSED ABOVE.


Art Rich School Award Application - Part 3


While not a requirement, if you have additional documentation that you would like to share with the selection committee you may do so by clicking on the "Click Here To Upload" link below. Please note:
  1. There is a five document upload limit. If you upload more than five documents, the evaluation committee will only look at the first five submissions.
  2. Once you click on the link below, it will take you to the site that will allow you to upload all of your documents. Once you finish uploading your documents, you can return to the application page (see the link in the upper left corner). Once back on the application site, check at the bottom of the application form to make sure that your uploads are listed. You can download each document you have uploaded to make sure that the information is as you want it.
  3. Valid file types include: txt, jpg, gif, doc, pdf, docx
  4. The upload capability provided by this application is only for text files. If you have an audio or video file, please put the audio or video on You Tube (or any other free and accessible source) and then submit a text document that has the link to the You Tube or other source you have created. Within the text document you are uploading, describe what is on the video or audio recording you are submitting.





  No, I am not done

Yes, I like to would submit the application for review by the committee