2025 Tennessee Arts Academy Arts Rich Schools Program and Awards - Online Application Form


Achieving the Arts Advantage: A Whole School Assessment for an Arts Rich Student Learning Environment

The Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation Board of Directors seeks to celebrate and recognize innovative and resourceful schools that provide arts rich educational curricula and programming for their students and the communities in which they live. This application requests information about the various forms of arts education provided to your school's students and related opportunities to learn in and through the arts. Beyond the award, the TAA Foundation Board plans to showcase the winning schools as diverse models of what an arts rich curriculum may look like in communities across the state. The hope is that through continued media coverage and exposure throughout the year following the award, other schools will be motivated to create their own plans to become an arts rich school.

Thank you for taking time to complete this award application about your school's arts rich teaching and learning.

A. About the Award

The arts are essential to the academic, social, emotional, and intellectual growth and development of every student. Every child should have access to learning in an arts rich environment. The arts advance other core academic disciplines by empowering all students to use their minds more creatively and by inspiring them through diverse learning experiences.

This application is an opportunity for an individual school to be acknowledged for its commitment to an arts rich education for all children, and as such to be eligible to be selected for the Tennessee Arts Academy Arts Rich School of Merit and Arts Rich School of the Year awards. A committee of K-12 educators designed this assessment and scoring rubric to allow all schools, regardless of the grade levels, numbers of students, or communities in which they reside to be assessed impartially, equitably, and fairly. It has been reviewed, vetted, and refined by members of the TAAF Board of Directors, the TAA Administrative Council, the TAA Arts Leadership and Administration track and other arts professionals.

B. About the Award Selection Process

Applications will be evaluated in two phases.

Phase 1 - Online Application Phase

Any school in the state of Tennessee may submit an application. A select committee, composed of highly qualified arts leaders, will score and rank the identified applications against established criteria. The applications will be ranked in terms of various components but not limited to the following categories: Arts educator personnel, instructional time dedicated to fine arts instruction, variety of arts curricular offerings within and outside of the schools day, rigor and quality of student work, financial support, equipment, facilities, policy and media visibility, arts-focused professional learning, community outreach and partnerships, and the overall unique vibrancy of your school arts program.

Phase 2 - Selection and Awards Phase

Up to ten K-12 schools will be chosen as TAA Arts Rich Schools of Merit. Schools that are named TAA Arts Rich Schools of Merit will create and submit a 3-5 minute video narrative of their arts programs. These videos may be shared at the Tennessee Arts Academy, with the media, and on social media platforms. Schools that are named TAA Schools of Merit will also be visited by members of the scoring committee. From the Schools of Merit, one school each year will be chosen as the TAA Arts Rich Elementary School of the Year, one as the TAA Arts Rich Middle School of the Year, and one as the TAA Arts Rich High School of the Year. Schools who are named a School of Merit are eligible to re-apply again the following year. Schools who are named a School of the Year are eligible to apply again after seven years.

C. Important Dates for the 2024-2025 ARS Season:

* at the discretion of the scoring committee

Date Event
October 15 Application Portal Opens
November 12 ARS Schools of the Year Fall Forum 5:00-6:00 CDT (Online)
Click HERE to RSVP and receive a link to the online ARSPA Fall Forum!
November 19 Office Hours #1 5:00-6:00 CDT (Online Q&A on Application)
December 17 Office Hours #2 5:00-6:00 CDT (Online Q&A on Application)
December 31 Application Deadline (midnight)
January 2025 Schools of Merit are announced
Late February-March School Visits to Schools of Merit*
February 4 Office Hours for Schools of Merit 5:00-6:00 CDT (Online Q&A)
April/May ARS Schools of the Year Announced
July ARS Schools of the Year Panel at the TAA Summer Institute (TBA)
Fall 2025 ARS Fall Forum with ARS Schools of the Year (TBA)







Tennessee Arts Academy